System Holz

Sicam 2019

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Sicam 2019 is coming soon!
We will be in Pordenone from the 15th to the 18th of October, which means you will be able to find us during the entire exhibition.
Many of our suppliers will also be there.
Don't miss this chance to meet them all in the same place.

Feel free to print this newsletter and use it as a guide during the exhibition!

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Interzum 2019


The 60th edition of Interzum 2019 is about to start!
We will be in Cologne from the 21st to the 24th of May, which means you will be able to find us during the entire exhibition.
Many of our suppliers will also be there.
Don't miss this chance to meet them all in the same place.

Print this list and bring it with you during the exhibition!


Sicam 2018


Sicam 2018 is about to start!
We will be in Pordenone from the 16th to the 19th of October, which means you will be able to find us during the entire exhibition. Many of our suppliers will also be there.
Don't miss this chance to meet them all in the same place.

Feel free to print this news and use it as a guide during the exhibition!


Sicam 2014

Sicam 2014 is coming! 

Come find us and our Suppliers on 14-17th of October at one of the most prestigious international fairs in the furniture fittings field.

Citterio Giulio, Gruppo Pozzi - System Holz, Atim, Sea & Symphony, Forma e Funzione, Villes, Omge, Pessotto are just a few of the names that would make you willing to come in Pordenone.

So, what are you waiting for? Let us know if you're coming, we would be really happy to see you!